My 21st Birthday
Monday, 31 March 2014, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Received Capitol vouchers from my dear Lifescience friends so that my broken spectacles can be replaced. Also received tons of notes, each with sweet messages from each of them.

Received power bank (such a beautiful white light power bank!) from the boys.

Received Espirit wallet from Liyana. She is such a darling really, tak berkira langsung and selalu ingat orang lain.

Received beautiful and colourful flowers from the Exco.

Received a birthday card and a on the way dress (teehee) from Irah.

Received VJC's P.E t-shirt from Ifah! Woohoo!

May Allah bless my family and friends. May Allah grant us happiness, good health and steadfast in iman, amiin.

<3 <3 <3

new past