Like a glutton
Saturday, 12 May 2012, ϟ 0 shout(s)

I cant believe i just ate a packet of nasi briyani at 11.40pm. When it's almost midnight?! sighhhhh...leading a healthy lifestyle continues to be a dream after all. It's been.. well, almost 1 week without middle-of-the-night snacks (a good improvement alrd hahah) and yeah, i thought i was doing well, replacing chocs with apple etc until... just now. My family received 2 plactic bags of rice and side-dishes (the daging is soooo empuk and yummy!). My sisters and me thought that they could be stored in the fridge for breakfast tmr but  my mum had another plan.

Our neighbour gave us a plate of rendang karipaps (yummmm:p) which she decided would be our breakfast tmr. And so, she was ordering us to finish the nasi briyani since we brought it home (well, the volunteers passed them onto our hands). And I, Zakiah Mohd, finished one packet just by herself (the other packet was shared between one of my sisters and my mum, and yeah, the remaining sister didnt want to eat).

It's stomach has a mind of its own. It can expand and expand, and so i continue to feed it with food when i should just stop. I hate wasting food. The good thing is, with this principle in mind, I always finish my meal. Every grain of rice. The bad thing is, the ever-growing-fats. Even during the Brunei trip last year, I finished my plate of rice when one of the boys (or more) couldnt do so. Seriously, in that kind of situation, i really felt like a freak glutton. Gahhhhh ottoke?? (what should i do in korean hahah)

On another note, i hope i can get into applied food science in NUS, insyaAllah. Please doa for me, amin:)

It's been so long since i write, that i forgot about the nice soothing, relaxing feeling of letting words flow through from my mind to the keyboards. Trust me, ive been wanting to post about a LOT of things. Ive been thinking about a LOT of things lately, especially after Alevels, and ive been wanting to write about them but...hahah k i forgot why i didnt even visit blogger to post about them. I hope, in the next few days, weeks or months even, i will be able to type every single thought.

Gd night!


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