Persevere, Endure, Move On, Try Again
Thursday, 23 February 2012, ϟ 0 shout(s)
I love this match the most. It's LionsXII against Perak, at a stadium in Perak. Our boys is in blue. The score was 2-1. The best is at 1:11. The ball bounced from one person to another and then to the goalkeeper and then to the lions again and at last, they scored.
We should never give up. When we fail, we need to try and try again. Shoot and shoot again until we get what we want. Can you imagine what could have happened if just ONE of the boys wasn't in their position, or gave up and didnt kick hard enough or sth like that? They would not be able to score at the last bit. Same goes with each of us. We need to keep our body in sync- sleep properly, that is dont sleep too late at night, eat properly, keep ourselves physically fit, and not forgetting our soul. Feed your heart with encouragements, with zikir, with the intention of completing any activities entrusted to you for the path towards Allah. Each part of our body needs to be at their best position so that we can accomplish a mission.
'Dont live to satisfy people for you would end up in anxiety all the time. Live to satisfy Allah and you will feel bliss'
(the saying goes along this line. do correct me if im wrong)
Hence, dont slouch anymore. Stand up. Try again. Put in effort to achieve your dreams. Dont forget to doa as well, insyaAllah:) Allah always listens to us.
A reminder to myself especially:)
Jaya bukan tanda bahagia, Gagal bukan erti derita
new past