It's Approaching.
Thursday, 2 February 2012, ϟ 0 shout(s)
Since i was a kid, whenever i meet an adult/aunties/uncles/teachers for any school activities or family visiting, they would always tease me by singing the Zakiah Zakiah song, (originally by sweet charity). I wasnt really sure about the existence of that song, until about two years ago when Jinbara sang it, so i would just smile sheepishly. I still react the same now. haha what can i do? continue singing with them? The point is, this song is an old song, zaman Ramli Sarip. Soooooo i was very shocked, open-mouthed, when a P6 girl sang that to me during my math class. I found myself smiling sheepisly, AT A P6 KID. Their friends had a puzzled expression on each of their faces and then they just moved on with their own work. I dont think they even know the existence of this song haha. Thanks girl..that song, coming from you, made my dayxD
I had a meetup with Jia ai on Tuesday evening after quite a long period of time and we talked about lots of things. Nice right? we can still talk endlessly as though we have not been away from each other for 2 years. I guess, the phrase 'distance makes the heart grow fonder' suits here well:) Deeeeeeep down in my heart, right at the corner there, a small teeny weeny space, there are stories that i dont share with others. No one at all, except Jia ai. I felt at ease after sharing my hearts content haha. Oh everyone, you know what, whatever you are feeling right now -be it anger, sadness, disappointment, embarrassed- you must let them out. It's not good to keep inside you. When no one's at home, just cry it out (if that's your way of expressing things). Write at your diary. Run at the park (channel the energy of your anger to the musclesxD k just imagine that you are stepping on the person that makes you angry). Tear pieces of paper into pieces (make sure you clean up your mess) and so on. You will feel more at ease, trust me. However, don't forget to Istighfar and/or read Al-Quran and/or take ablution. InsyaAllah, you will feel calmer:) And so, i shared the stories stored at the teeny weeny space of my heart to Jia ai. Not only is she a good friend, she also rekindles the Cedar memories in me. From the endless topics that we talked about, i learnt to be grateful that i am born this way. And.. be nice to others, and they will be nice to you. May our friendship lasts long babe;) Hope to meet you again real soon!
I still owe Janice a shopping trip>.< and Syahirah for a trip to Loyang Pri>.< and a cycling lesson>.<
Looking forward to Bengkel Bahas at TKSS tmr. I hope my reading of Berita Harian yesterday, and probably today, will help my preparation to talk in good malay tmr, insyaAllahxD
On a serious note, it was 1st Feb 2012 two days ago. It marked the 2nd month anniversary after the end of the roller-coaster ride of Alevel examination. It feels like Friday was just yesterday but here it is. Time flies very fast. March is approaching... Results Day is approaching. Let's pray for each other's success insyaAllah.
Learn to reject and accepts rejection.
new past